Plant-Based Products

In # 7. Plant-based meat by Lily

With the rapid growth of plant based products, I think a lot of companies are threatened by the possibility of their businesses taking a hit because of the skyrocketing amount of demand for plant based foods. There have been a lot of laws that have tried to put some form of regulation such as not allowing companies that make almond milk to say “milk” on their packaging. While I think the regular argument is that they don’t want any confusion regarding what the average consumer is purchasing, I do not think this issue is as significant as these companies are making it out to be. As a consumer of these products, I have never purchased oat milk and gotten home upset because I thought it was cow’s milk. 

I do however understand the issues that this rapid growth could pose on the meat and dairy industry. With these products on the rise, it is inevitable that the meat and dairy industry will take a hit because of it. I don’t think that by banning the word milk on almond or oat milk will make this significant of a change for these industries. I do however understand the desire to separate this plant based industry from the meat and dairy industry. I think that would be helpful in allowing the plant based industry to continue to grow as its own instead of connected to the meat and dairy industry. At the same time, these products being made are by nature as substitutes connected to this industry no matter what we do to separate the two of them. These companies are striving to create a supplement for those with dietary restrictions. I could however see the benefits towards including something like “substitute” to these plant based meats and dairy products. This would allow those that are looking for this sort of substitute to find it easily while not allowing for any confusion regarding what meat and dairy consumers are looking for.