Real vs Plant-based and Impersonation

In # 7. Plant-based meat by Grant

With so many different “milk” products that are not actually milk and so many “meat” products that are not actually meat, the definitions of these words can get muddled. With multiple beef-producing states passing and proposing bills that prevent plant-based meat from being labeled as meat and other states potentially introducing bills preventing “milks” like almond milk from using the word milk, a debate has been sparked regarding the appropriate labeling of plant-based alternatives and the impact on consumers and the food industry. Supporters of these bills argue that labeling restrictions are necessary to prevent consumer confusion. “Beef” and “milk” have been associated with products from animals for a long time. These products also often have specific characteristics that these false foods do not have. I am for these bills as I think that clear labeling is essential for individuals looking for a specific nutritional and taste profile. These impersonation meats and plant-based milks are often not nearly as nutritionally sound as their natural counterparts. I think that alone should be reason enough for these bills to be passed and changes to be made. However, impersonation meats and plant-based milks also have a potentially negative impact on the traditional meat and dairy market. The current labels could be considered misleading and could unfairly impact traditional producers who make their livelihood in that market. By distinguishing between animal-based and plant-based alternatives, these bills promote a more level playing field in the market. But that’s not all, these bills should encourage innovation in the food industry as manufacturers of plant-based alternatives would have to create a distinctive name for themselves. This would also allow for the plant-based market to grow independently, benefiting consumers and the economy. While people who go against these bills say they restrict competition and free speech, I believe that competition should not be between essentially different products and that It is more important to make labeling clear. Labeling restrictions on fake meats and plant-based milks could lead to a more informed and equal market.