
In # 2. COVID, beyond 2023 by Zoie

I would like to introduce, FreshConnect!

FreshConnect is an app that is designed to transform the way we source and distribute food in today’s society. During the height of the pandemic, the food industry faced challenges in more ways than one. FreshConnect was designed to provide a solution to a few of these challenges.

A large issue the pandemic uncovered was the weakness in traditional food supply chains. The availability of fresh and local produce was disrupted. Consumers need greater dependability and sustainability in the food sources they use. FreshConnect can fix this issue. This app will connect farmers, local food producers, and consumers directly.

The way this will work is through clear sourcing, efficient distribution, and convenient shopping. To begin, clear sourcing will allow consumers to trace the origin of their food. This will help them trust the system more, it will clear up any questions they may have, and they can see all of the production methods used in the process. Then, efficient distribution will use AI to help determine where and how much needs to be distributed. This will reduce food waste and minimize the need for long transportation. Finally, the app itself will allow for convenient shopping. As consumers use the app AI will begin to give personalized recommendations to help consumers eat right and discover new foods.

FreshConnect will address the weaknesses that the pandemic exposed and begin to fix them one order at a time. The sustainable goal behind FreshConnect will lower food waste, help the environment with less trucking, and will encourage consumers to become eco-friendly. The platform FreshConnect is using, an app, will be able to reach consumers all across the U.S. and one day we hope to expand to the rest of the world.

As technology continues to improve, FreshConnect will too. With FreshConnect in the app store, the food distribution system will rapidly improve and will make a positive impact on the world.